Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Using Notice Boards In The Classroom | Primary Education Board

Notice boards are essential to any learning environment, from primary schools to sixth form, you will be hard pushed to find a classroom that doesn't have at least one. So we have compiled a list of the best ways to use your notice boards to encourage class interaction, a positive learning environment and get the most from your class.
Using Notice Boards In The Classroom | Primary Education Board

Create A Focal Point

Having a board in your class immediately creates a focal point that all the students can face. This helps streamline their attention and can make it easier for the teacher to keep minds from wandering. By making notes on a blackboard or whiteboard as you go through the lesson you will help students keep up and keep on topic. A notice board will also help visual learners who find it easier to learn by seeing something written out or drawn before it sinks in.

Using Notice Boards In The Classroom | Primary Education Board Using Notice Boards In The Classroom | Primary Education Board
Display Work To Boost Esteem 

This is especially relevant in primary and middle schools where young students need to know that they are doing well. A class notice board as a display board shows off to parents, other students and teachers what the class has been working on. It can also promote team work as the class can see what they have produced as a whole.
Using Notice Boards In The Classroom | Primary Education Board

Can Change As Topics Change

As the topics you are covering in your class change, you can change your displays accordingly. For younger children, this can be god fun when studying the seasons for example. You could have an autumnal display with brown leaves and horse chestnuts or a summer display with sunglasses and holiday pictures.

Using Notice Boards In The Classroom | Primary Education Board Using Notice Boards In The Classroom | Primary Education Board

We all know kids can be forgetful, with much more important things in the front of their mind! Having a reminders board can be very handy, even for teachers sometimes, to keep track of deadline dates, extra things to bring in to class and any changes to class timetables.
Using Notice Boards In The Classroom | Primary Education Board

Interactive Whiteboards

Now we're in the digital age interactive whiteboards are very popular in classes. They allow the teacher to not only project a computer programme or web page on to the board, but they can move items around and use the board to its full teaching potential. From preschools to colleges, they can make class more fun and more sociable. I hope these ideas for sprucing up a classroom and making learning more fun and accessible using notice boards and whiteboards have been useful.

Bio: Shirley West is the owner of Moores Message Boards. Moores have been manufacturing and selling high quality notice boards, blackboards and whiteboards since 1997.

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