Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Why Nigeria Needs Innovative HIV Prevention Investments | Primary Education Board

Nigeria gained independence in 1960. Since then the survival of the Nigerian state has been beneath many tests from unstable leadership; coups; status assassinations; crime and social vices; corruption, civil, ethnic, spiritual and political unrests; and infrastructural inadequacies. withal these challenges, the country has remained resolute and ever additional united against disintegration. the normal Nigerian has been formed into a solid and unbreakable spirit being with the brilliance of survival ways. reckon example, the emergence of the Igbos because the most productive business grouping when the sufferings and challenges of the civil war; the academic advancements of the Yorubas when their initial rejection of colonial dictates; and agricultural art of the Hausa-Fulani. countless Nigerians have interaction in subsistence trade, agricultural social class or little scale enterprises that drive individual and communal relationships across the country. These small economies area unit the most keep of the normal Nigerian family. consistent with the federal department of Statistics, the majority of Nigeria's class belong to the informal sector of the economy, particularly agriculture. The raw materials and low cost labour that drive the informal sector area unit tapped directly from rural and sub-urban area unitas wherever over hr of Nigerians are aforementioned to be interacting with their setting and establishing their livelihoods.
Why Nigeria Needs Innovative HIV Prevention Investments | Primary Education Board

Nigeria has enjoyed a rather stable democracy since 1999 and you'll be able to bet we tend to area unit so determined to preserve it with no matter it takes. The gains of democracy don't seem to be terribly outstanding nonetheless however nobody will deny that flashes of what's expected haven't manifested in how in somewhere. Challenges still move each sector together with health, education, politics, energy, infrastructure and social amenities to say many. The realisation of those challenges has light-emitting diode to plenty of positive policy implementations across board. an addict of mine keeps language "the Federal Republic of Nigeria our kids's children can meet are going to be much better than what we've got now". an officer of a developed nation recently voiced a contrary read language that Federal Republic of Nigeria could be a failing state and will stop to exist as a nation in concerning fifteen years. What does one patriotic  Nigerians think? an enormous biological process gap exists between 1914, 1960 (Year of independence) and 2014. A sustained democracy through these years would haven't any doubt created an enormous distinction. Our indices on indicators of development as determined by international organisations like the planet Bank, World Health Organisation and Transparency International area unit still a supply of concern. it's value mentioning here that Federal Republic of Nigeria ranks terribly low within the UNDP Human Development Report (HDR) of 2013. The national report on the progress created towards attaining the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) recommend that Federal Republic of Nigeria is on the right track to achieving 5 of the eight that area unit associated with Universal Primary Education, Promoting Gender Equality and management of ladies, Reducing kid Mortality, Combating HIV/AIDS, protozoal infection and alternative diseases, and world Partnerships for Development.

Why Nigeria Needs Innovative HIV Prevention Investments | Primary Education Board

In 1986, Federal Republic of Nigeria was confronted by a public health challenge that still suffers the eye it merited even in 1986. HIV has become a worldwide challenge to biological process efforts with concerning thirty three million individuals living with the infection. South-South countries shoulder an enormous forcefulness of the results of HIV with geographic region accounting for the primary 2 most burdened countries. Federal Republic of Nigeria is nowadays second when African nation with over three million infected persons. The implication of the continued  burden of the HIV epidemic in Federal Republic of Nigeria is big and threatens our aspiration to realize property development. As Federal Republic of Nigeria celebrates a hundred years of existence in 2014, one wonders if plenty additional success stories may are celebrated aboard. it isn't too late! during a few years to come back, Federal Republic of Nigeria would be celebrating its diamond independence day of remembrance at seventy five. The year 2015 set for the action of the MDGs would have come back and gone. therefore conjointly the years set for housing and education for all Nigerian voters. The vision 20:2020 would have either succeeded or failing. What ought to we've got done otherwise if we tend to looked back in time to assess our efforts forward our aspirations don't seem to be achieved? Posterity will certainly hold this generation responsible. Our leaders should be able to take the responsibility and back policy selections necessary to make sure the success of our biological process programmes. Federal Republic of Nigeria currently incorporates a Health Bill that has been passed into law and signed to by our President. This Bill usually standardizes health care follow and could be a confidence statement for investors in health care. what's the impact of HIV in your locality? The economic price of the HIV epidemic alone has had Brobdingnagian implications on the Nigerian economy. strive adding the economic price of protozoal infection, TB, maternal mortality, STIs, and infectious disease to it of HIV. These area unit all preventable infections with parallel programmes on going with HIV services. the price of treating associate degree HIV positive patient during a year is alleged to be a thousand United States of America greenbacks and for each 2 HIV patients placed on treatment, there area unit concerning 5 new HIV infections. interference clearly remains the foremost price effective strategy to safeguard the over ninetieth of our population that area unit antiseptic with HIV. However, there's an enormous inadequacy of HIV interference commodities in Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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