Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board

According to information from the Secretariat of Public Education, each school will determine the actions of the Board grants the Technical Advisory Council, bringing together the directors of the campus with the teaching staff and evaluate the cases with greatest need. The scholarship represents obtaining financial support. A present from the Federal Government allocated a child leaves with a scholarship, which continues until the school year ends, regardless of the year that was. In contrast, if the child fails or incurs scholarship a serious misconduct automatically loses financial support.
Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board

Requirements to compete for the scholarship
• Copy of report card.
• Proof of income of the parent or guardian.
Types of scholarships established by the Federal Government
• For indigenous children migrants.
• For children with disabilities, special educational needs and health problems in general.
• For orphans or abandoned by their family.
• For low-income children.
• For students who are within the SEAP -914, in which children are over-age for primary education and pursue their studies in three years.

Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board

Economic support for the scholarship

Children get support scholarship cash.

The amount allocated for the Federal District this school year ranged between one thousand and five hundred thousand pesos. That amount is divided into two parts, the first between December and January and the second between June and July, the school year. The number of scholarships allocated to each school depends on the SEP. They are based on school location and economic conditions of students.

Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board

Types of scholarships established by SEP

Compensatory Grants: It is for students with minimum GPA of 8 (eight) during the past two school years, belonging to families with poor condition at a disadvantage. Indigenous peoples who have different abilities.

Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board

Achievement Scholarship:

* Level I: It is for students with minimum GPA of 9 (nine) during the two academic years.
* Level II: It is For students with minimum GPA of 9.5 (nine point five) over the past two school years.
Academic Merit Scholarships:
* Level I: It is For students with a global average of 9.8 (nine point eight) primary studies, secondary school and university.
* Level II: It is For students with global average 9.9 (nine point nine).In primary school, secondary school and university.
* Level III: It is For students with overall average of 10 (ten) in primary school, secondary school and university.
* Level IV: It is global average for students with 9.9 or 10 (nine point nine or ten) in primary school, secondary school and university. Just as awards or national recognition in academic competitions, artistic and / or (1st, 2nd or 3rd place).
* Level V: It is for students with overall average of 9.9 or 10 (nine point nine or ten) in primary school, secondary school.

Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board
Scholarship exceptional artistic talent or athletic: for students with minimum GPA of 9 (nine) during the last two academic years and have won prizes or awards at national or international artistic or sporting competitions (1st, 2nd or 3rd place).
Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board Amazing School Grants and Scholarship Opportunities | Primary Education Board

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